Valerio Annovazzi-Lodi was born in Novara, Italy, on November 7, 1955. He received the degree in Electronic Engineering from the University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy, in 1979. Since then he has been working at the Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering of the University of Pavia in the fields of electronics and electro-optics. His main research interests include injection phenomena and chaos in oscillators and lasers, cryptography, optical sensors, passive fiber components for telecommunications and sensing, optical amplifiers, transmission via diffused infrared radiation, micromechanical systems, human brain dynamics and language generation. In 1983 he became a Staff Researcher of the Department of Electronics (presently: Department of Electrical Computer and Biomedical Engineering) of the University of Pavia, in 1992 an Associate Professor and in 2001 a Full Professor of the same institution. He is the author of more than 100 papers and holds four patents.
Dr. Annovazzi-Lodi is a member of AEIT and a Senior Member of IEEE-Photonics Society.
Personal website: https://unipv.unifind.cineca.